Interpreting Soil Test Results
Soil Analysis
Soil pH |
Measures soil acidity or alkalinity. A pH of 7.0 is neutral. Values below 7.0 are
acidic, values above 7.0 are alkaline. The soil pH is the value that should be maintained
in the pH range most desirable for the crop to be grown.
Buffer pH
An index value indicating the amount of lime to apply on acid soils to bring the pH
to the desired pH for the crop to be grown. The lower the buffer pH reading the higher
the lime requirement.
Indicates the amount of phosphorus that should be available to the plant. The optimum
level will vary with crop, yield and soil conditions, but for most field crops a medium
to optimum rating is adequate. For soils with pH above 7.3 the "Olsen" test will determine
the available P.
Indicates available potassium. The optimum level will vary with crop, yield, soil
type, soil physical condition, and other soil related factors. Generally higher levels
of potassium are needed on soils high in clay and organic matter versus soils, which
are sandy and low in organic matter.
N03-N (Nitrate Nitrogen)
Indicates the nitrogen available to the plant in the nitrate form.
Soil electrical conductivity (EC)
Soil electrical conductivity (EC) assessments measure the soluble salts in soil and
can be correlated with soil properties that affect crop productivity. Excess salts,
which may occur naturally or as a result of management, inhibit plant growth and disturb
the soil-water balance.
Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
Cation exchange capacity measures the soil's ability to hold nutrients such as calcium,
magnesium, and potassium, as well as other positively charged ions such as sodium
and hydrogen.